A PhD is part of this collection if it meets, the recently defined, following criteria:
- The PhD topic meets the objectives of the ISM&RH and is about Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health, mainly researched in low middle income settings.
- The Phd contains a page that refers to the Safe Motherhood series.
- The term “safe Motherhood Series” is named on the cover.
- The minimum of one member of the ISM&RH is involved in the project as promotor or co-writer (co promotor).
- The Phd book will be published on this website.
- The PhD candidate will present the PhD outcomes at one of the ISM&RH meetings (regular 2 months meeting, symposium or congres).
The Safe Motherhood Series
Anouk Verschuuren
Maternity care for refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands
University Medical Centre Groningen, the Netherlands, 10 Jan 2024

Lisa Calhoun
Contraceptive use and method choice among young people in sub-Saharan Africa: Are we meeting their reproductive health needs?
VU University Amsterdam, 5 Feb 2024

Gebi Husein Jima
Promoting contraceptive uptake to reduce the unmet need for family planning during the postpartum period in Ethiopia
University Medical Centre Groningen,
the Netherlands, 26 Feb 2024

Athanasios Kallianidis
Maternal morbidity and mortality in the Netherlands and their association with obstetric interventions
Leiden UMC, 16 Mar 2023

Steffie Heemelaar
Maternal health in Namibia: Lessons learned from obstetric surveillance
Leiden UMC, 14 Apr 2023

Anke Heitkamp
Maternal deaths, near misses and great saves: severe maternal outcomes in Metro East, the Western Cape Province, South Africa
Stellenbosch University, Cape
Town, South Africa/VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 14 Apr 2023

Paul Ramler
Postpartum Hemorrhage: From Insight to Action
Leiden UMC, 20 Sep 2022

Titus Kofi Beyuo
Optimizing care and patient experience of preeclampsia in low- and and middle-income
countries – the case of Ghana
UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands, 13 Dec 2022

Carrie J. Ngongo
Epidemiology and etiology of genital fistulas in East Africa
Ghent University, Belgium, 10 Feb 2023

Susan Ontiri
Improving Access to Quality Family Planning Services in Kenya by Addressing Contraceptive Discontinuation

Yadira Roggeveen
Participation and transdisciplenary collaboration and tools towards increasing skilled birth attendence
Amsterdam UMC, VU, May 2021

Kim Verschueren
Maternal mortality, near-miss and stillbirths in Suriname
UMC Utrecht, Dec 2020

Natasha Housseine
Strategies to improve the quality of foetal monitoring and intrapartum care in high-volume, low-resource maternity units
UMC Utrecht, Dec 2020

Rob Mooij
Safe Motherhood: Improving quality of maternal and perinatal care in rural Tanzania
UMCG, Sept 2020

Nasrathulla Ansari
Quality of maternal and newborn health care in health facilities in Afghanistan
UMCG, 2019

Felix Sayinzoga
Health system determinants of maternal and neonatal health in Rwanda
Radboud UMC, 2019

Barbara Nolens
Reintroduction of vacuum extraction in a tertiary hospital in Uganda.
VUMC, 2019

Ada Gillessen
Towards better prognostic and diagnostic strategies for major obstetric haemorrhage.
LUMC, 2019

Richard Kalisa
Hospital-based audit of obstetric care and birth preparedness in rural Rwanda.
VUMC, 2019

Ibukun-Oluwa O. Abejirinde
Diagnostic and clinical decision support systems for antenatal
care: is mHealth the future in low-resource settings?
VUMC, 2018

Dunstan Raphael Bishanga
Improving access to quality maternal and newborn care in low-resource settings: the case of Tanzania
UMCG, 2019

Tienke Vermeiden
Maternity waiting homes in Ethiopia to improve women’s access maternity care
UMCG, 2019

Abera Kenay Tura
Severe maternal morbidity an mortality in eastern Ethiopia.
UMCG, 2019

Nanna Maaloe
Assisting birth attendants in providing acceptable care under unacceptable clinical realities: the Partoma intervention study at Zanzibar’s tertiary hospital.
University of Copenhagen, 2019

Sharon J.N. Kibwana
Increasing access to anaesthaesia in Ethiopia: task shifting.
VUMC, 2017

Firew Ayalew Desta
Improving frontline health workers’ performance in low resouurce settings; the case of Ethiopia.
VUMC, 2017

Tegbar Yigzae Sindekie
Identifying needs for optimizing the health work force in Ethiopia.
VUMC, 2017

Marielle Bemelmans
Getting the job done, providing lifelong HIV treatment in settings with limited human resources for health: innovative approaches.
VUMC, 2016

Tom Witteveen
Severe Acute Maternal Morbidity, risk factors in the Netherlands and validation of the WHO Maternal Near Miss tool.
Leiden University, 2016

Cora Bakker
Terugvinden van waardigehid, communit based sociotherapie in Rwanda, Oost Congo en Liberia.
VUMC, 2016

Ellen Nelissen
Improving maternal outcome in rural Tanzania using obstetric simulation based training.
VUMC, 2014

Marrit Smit
Obstetric emergencies in primary midwifery care in the Netherlands.
LUMC, 2014

Jogchum Beltman
Health professionalsand maternal health in Malawi; mortality and morbidity at district level.
VUMC, 2013

Marcus Rijken
Malaria in pregnancy: ultrasound studies on fetal growth.
UMCU, 2012

Angelo Nyamtema
Leading change in the maternal health care system in Tanzania: application of operations research.
Ifakara, Tanzania, VUmc, 2012

Thomas van den Akker
Medical Mirrors: Maternal care in Malawian district.
VUmc, 2011

Luc van Lonkhuijzen
Delay in safe motherhood.
Groningen University, 2011

Joke Schutte
Confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in the Netherlands 1993-2005.
VUmc, 2010

Joost Zwart
Severe maternal morbidity in the Netherlands: the LEMMoN study.
Vumc, 2009

Jeroen van Dillen
Obstetric audit in Namibia and the Netherlands.
Vumc, 2009

Afisha Yakubu Zakariah
Beyond the numbers: confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in Accra-Ghana.
vrije UNiversiteit Brussel, Belgie, 2008

Godfrey Mbaruku
Enhancing survival of mothers and their newborns in Tanzania.
Karlinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005

Jelle Stekelenburg
Health care seeking behaviour and utilisation of health services in Kalabo District.
VUmc, 2004

Wilbert Spaans
Vaginal birth after caesarian section in Zimbabwe and the Netherlands.
UvA, 2004

Diederike Geelhoed
Reproductive health matters in rural Ghana.
Leiden University, 2003

Ashok Mungra
Confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in Surinam.
Leiden University, 1999

Nico Schuitemaker
Confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in the Netherlands, 1983-1992.
Leiden University, 1998

Douwe Verkuyl
Family planning as part of Reproductove Health, including the HIV/AIDS aspects, in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa

Barbara Kwast
Unsafe Motherhood, a monumental challenge.
A study of maternal mortality in Addis Ababa.

Jos van Roosmalen
Maternal Healthcare in the Southern Western Highlands of Tanzania

Gijs Walraven
Perinatal assessment in rural Tanzania.
Nijmegen University, 1995

Akosua de Groot
The role of oral (methyl)ergometrine in prevention of post partum heamorrhage.
Nijmegen University, 1995