Twinning Tanzania

In January 2013, the Twinning project with The Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Tanzania (Agota) was wrapped up. We are now looking for a new Twinning project. Do you have a suggestion? Let us know via secretariaat.wp @

Under the button ‘Activities’ you can read more about the Twinning project with Agota.
• The symposium on 20 April 2012 was a great success! Check out the presentations and photos on the following page: Symposium 2012
• Association of Cycling Gynecologists Netherlands cycled along with the “Tour for Life” in 2012. A cool 1.6 million was raised for MSF. Watch the video with an interview of the ‘Gynecologists for Life’
• Since September 2012, the training in tropical medicine in the Netherlands is registered officially with the KNMG: “International health and tropical medicine.”
• Members of the ISM & RH have been in Georgia, read more.
• In 2012 the Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NVOG) celebrated their 125th anniversary. As part of the anniversary activities, they sponsored the hospital in Mota, Ethiopia. For information about the NVOG and sponsor actions look here. Doctor Lambers, Dutch gynaecologist is currently at work in Mota, click here if you want to read his work records.